Anchor Management

Randall is doing some anchor management. We have three on the boat – 2 CQRs and a Danforth. He is going to get a new 50 pound Bruce as the main anchor but is prepping one of the CQRs to use on the stern. He was trying to decide which of the remaining anchors to get rid because we don’t quite have storage in the cockpit locker for three spare anchors. He asked for my input. Well, my anchor policy is like my knot-tying policy. My sailing friend Michelle once advised, if you aren’t that great at the art of knot-tying, just tie lots of them. I know it is a sign of ineptness and the right knot has the distinct advantage of not being either loose nor semi-permanent. However, this policy still pops into my head when I glance repeatedly at a knot to see if it is holding properly. So my contribution to the anchor management question was to fight the urge to say, “Would we ever actually need to set four anchors?” Of course, I know the answer runs something like, “If we can’t set one anchor, how do you propose we set four?”

4 Responses to Anchor Management

  1. Jan March 10, 2012 at 2:38 pm #

    I was first intrigued bc I thought you wrote “anger management”….. Oh well, probably the same thing… anchor management and anger management!! Hope all is well living on the Fox Trot……… I don’t think there has been any one stay at the Barndaminium……. Jeff and I might check it out over Spring Break! Love ya!!!

  2. adminsvfoxtrot March 10, 2012 at 7:58 pm #

    We use Rum and Coke for anger management. I wish it worked on anchors too. We are enjoying it here. As I told Sister #1, this is really a good place to visit us. So much to do right within a few blocks from us. I wish you’d come here for Spring Break but, hopefully, we will get some place you really want to visit. I hope you stay in the Barndo. Sad to think about it sitting empty. Mom said tonight that she needed us there to help her with her crossword. I said, “But if we were there we’d be jokering, not doing the crossword.” Miss yall!!

  3. Ton March 18, 2012 at 5:31 pm #

    What? Not 8,000 anchors! Having witnessed anchoring a few times…mmmm, cap’n morgans. yep. yep.

  4. tam March 23, 2012 at 8:49 am #

    Ton, I missed your post. R said you posted so I asked what did Ton say. “That we anchor like crap,” was his reply. hehe. Might have been nice to have 8,000 anchors out that time at Moody Garden that time…

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